Friday, March 17, 2006

first week back

Well there ya go...everyone who's been waiting on pictures from Chile...there's a couple. (scroll down to view) I realized after i got back that i didn't really take that many pictures...but i guess that's cause i wasn't enjoying myself and didn't think to take pictures...i did take a lot of pictures of the mountains cause they were AMAZING! maybe i'll add a couple more a little later...

so right now i'm watching the UAB/UK game and we're should be over by the time i post...but hopefully the tables will have turned by then!

So i had a GREAT week this week...tuesday i went to the ham to make my appeal and check on my scholarship and everything has now been completely resolved. By monday i should have 3 wonderful W's (everyone's dream) and therefore a complete waste of my spring semester cause i got 0 credit and my scholarship had to pay for it...BUT as long as i take 10 hours this summer i will keep my scholarship for my last year of school which is a HUGE relief! so i'm home free for my last year of undergrad - something that's weird to think about...i only have one year left and i'll have a friggin college degree!

ok the game's getting intense it's 64-67 with 19 sec to go!

so yeah tuesday i surprised miles at work which i thought would be funny but i guess he didn't think so... so it was kinda an unemotional reunion which was a little upsetting to me the day didn't get much better as i had to wait around all afternoon then all through dinner and a movie he seemed rather distant, not saying much... but afterwards we drove around a little bit and got to talking and got down to what was bothering him... it was a great, much needed conversation and the night ended well after all Wednesday i went with miles and his brother jack to Jasper to hang out with his mom, eat dinner (pork chops and the works to go with them...yum!) and go to their wednesday night service at was AMAZING! i was really just in awe the whole time of how much their church family is "of one accord" they're so real with each other, not holding anything back and just letting God run things... something that really doesn't happen in most churches nowadays... so wednesday was a great turn from tuesday... thursday was great too! i went to lunch with meghan (i'm trying to convince her to get an apartment with me next everyone get on my side haha) then looked around for an apartment, got my classes cancelled, went out to eat with Miles, worship at BCM, then we went to see V for Vendetta - which was really good, i highly reccommend it... and then i started my wonderfully long drive home was a little difficult staying awake but a little Eve 6 on volume 30 did the trick OH YEAH...and bekah let me stay with her while i was in B'ham which was so great! we don't get to see each other very often but when we do it's always fun times and i'm so thankful that she's a part of my life...whenever i need her she's there for me, and i just hope that i can do the same for her

today was rather uneventful til about 430... i've finally made my MCAT study schedule and it does not look like too much fun... but i'm gonna do it. cause i have to. and i have nothing better to do or study for oh yeah so at 430 miles showed up! we just sat around and watched a movie... then switched to the game, but we had fun! (which goes without saying)


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